"Sqeezy The Rubber" never came to be ;_;

Tim Frommeyer @Sqeezy

Age 24, Male

Joined on 12/1/02

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16,583 / 16,890
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Sqeezy's News

Posted by Sqeezy - June 25th, 2012

last month I hurt my leg, but it's all good now as seen in this video:

/* */
While I already said so in my previous posts I'm saying it again: I'm currently animating my first television appearance which will be 4 minutes in length and the first subject will be "bad luck".
I have a lot of freedom in that production and I can basically do whatever I want, which is rare I guess. Even violence and a nipslip here and there would be fine they said, or at least that's what I understood.
anyway without further ado let me give you a few little sneak-peaks:

amini: "ikea no work"

amini: "king lightning test"

amini: "burger meets plate"

that's all I can show right now really. it just feels nice to be animating again and to see it still works.
The deadline is July 31st I hope I can get it done before that and show you the whole thing

Currently watching The Animators Survival Kit DVD to re-learn some basic animation-techniques. if you haven't read or watched it and are an aspiring animator then give it a try. Dan Paladin recommends it too so that's just another reason.


Leg Abrasion Healing Process & animated content

Posted by Sqeezy - June 15th, 2012

Here's my latest live-action masterpiece. It'll answer the question of weither the chicken or the egg came first.

/* */
also: a videogame song:
VideogameTim on Soundcloud

and my silly Facebook music page.

and while I'm at it, reposting "It's Still Me". Watch it if you haven't. It was my last real submission here on Newgrounds.
There will be more real things in the future again.

and here's a screen of a TV production i'm working on:

-How Chicken Is Born-

Posted by Sqeezy - June 7th, 2012

feels like i should have died like all those other animators long time ago already, but oh well 2012 is still going..

and it's going STRAOWNG.!

been thinkin how awesome it is how many animators back from that time that it was back then got into working professionally in different ways. NG is still a great platform for aspiring animators I think.
and it ended up providing even me a job as an animator for a tv production. well it may have been a demo reel they saw on vimeo but yaa knoww i would have never animated all these things if it wasn't for Newgrounds sake.

If I didn't stumble across it in 2000 by using a dial up modem, looking for anti-teletubbies on google and if I didn't watch the Xiao Xiao stick animations that were at the top of the portal back then I wouldn't have horribly failed to animate a stickman parcouring across the screen, and i wouldnt have wanted to submit a submission and receive a green and eventually BLUE SCORE that was over a 3.50 rating, which made me submit an ILoveEgg episode stating I was co-authoring it, which would have never let to Tom Fulp deleting my first account with all those crappy submission that just barely made it through. I would have never been so frustrated by my obvious failure, I would have never used the BBS as a portal to release my teenage angst, I would have never posted threads about "Sqeezy the Rubber" doing a fake casting for animators so they would draw Sqeezy fan-art, i would have never raised so much hatred by users they would create an Anti-Sqeezy Club, i would have never met Luis, which eventually let to the Time-Trials and me actually trying to animate, making me improve over time in order to show those hat0rs eventually, entered and won the first contests held and spent that money on a girl met over at sheezyart which was pretty much a hide-out for animators from NG which were also artists, back when there was no art portal and stuff. and I would have probably never gotten so depressed if I hadn't created all my life-structure using the internet.. but I would have never gotten so strong out of it.
what was that just now? a little story telling gramp? i see.

Twas really part of my youth and therefor growth so I will always look back to you in a form of nostalgia, NG

Anyway back to the present. The animations I will be doing are for a german comedy science show "Es geht um mein Leben" (don't look it up, by what I've seen it's fairly emberassing. (Hi Pierre!))
Animation work is starting just now basically so I am doing the complete opposite of what I'm supposed to do right now. It's the first real animating i'll be doing in.. don't even know how long. so wish me luck or something, or determination. I've been an awful quitter and that's what i'm known for so hopefully that changed. I will let you know and probably watch the things or episodes when they are done. I would even enjoy doing the translation and sync.

I could probably cramp a YouTube video or a link to something else I've been doing in here. hmm.. it would probably look weird. I wonder if you're still reading, if I put a video inside you probably watched that first, maybe you are reading and watching it at the same time? amazing.

ok here I go. it'll be My May 2012 In Photosequences. This will give you an idea of what my life might look like, or at least what I've captured during the month of may this year.

/* */
EDTI: It didnt! I KNEW IT.
re-edit: DOES IT WORK NOW?
RE-re-edit: ok cool. i forgot to post a picture anyway

Anyways, how is your dad? if he passed away already i am sorry, if he's still alive well he is going to die some time, so is mom, i just wanted to make sure you realize. tell them i said hi.

Y still alive?

Posted by Sqeezy - April 13th, 2012


Posted by Sqeezy - February 21st, 2012

I luv you newgrounds.


Posted by Sqeezy - January 7th, 2012

Check out and +like my Faceboob Musicpage



That is all.

Music Plug

Posted by Sqeezy - September 4th, 2011

Posted by Sqeezy - August 14th, 2011

Undercover post.
Working on a game. Making the soundtrack for it, and all arts.

Not much to say about it except that it's being created from scratch and it's epic and
it doesn't exist yet.

NG London meet was last week and it might have been the last one :o

Too much of a good thing is ruining it anyway so new locations must be conquered.

What about a Newgrounds Island?


To explain the still ongoing lack of qualitative animated contents of mine I'm referring back to:
Too much of a good thing is ruining it anyway.

Though it is true that my reputation may have suffered and new generations of animators are upon us while I have become an oldfart.. but I reserve mahself the freedom to decide weither or not I want to become an overrated bitchface (and make money) or stay underdog and allow myself to freak out and change focus, creating stuff to destroy it. doing it for the fun.. and only till it becomes a bother (not making money).

Missing every contest.

Not making internet ad money. It is dumb I know.

Not doing a kickass ClockCrew Anniversary animation. It is a disgrace I am aware.
EDIT: I actually managed to make one today watch it here:
In Ten Years...

I gotta wrap this up right now because my wife is having a baby.

Congratulations. You have reached the end of this post.

not really having a baby. that would be a disaster.

here's some steps:

Forever Underdog

Posted by Sqeezy - February 25th, 2011

During my long break of not doing any animations I sometimes do nasty things,
but that's not on topic today.
I would rather post some flash-movies, hosted on newgrounds.com, that I always like to look back to to cheer myself up back into the spirit of a life of animation.
Even if I don't always end up opening Flash to start an epic after watching, these still give me the chills,
and I will use my frontpage posting privilege to share them with those that haven't stumbled upon them yet.

I'm starting with an animated epic, random, kind of demo-reel, music-video by Nick Sutton,
one of my biggest influences back in the days and now a close friend of mine and companion in the void of not-animating-though-you-should.
He had several accounts on Newgrounds, and this is pretty much the last thing he posted, featuring unfinished bits of work, beautifully packed into a trip of bittersweet proportions.
Enjoy watching:

Apples and Tangerines

My Favourite Animations on Newgrounds [No.1]

Posted by Sqeezy - December 10th, 2010

ive been lurking for so long i think i may contribute to the site again.
this means new content

SOON, no promises :J

always include picture

super culinary express