God, now that was just.. too stylish
Awesome man, it was just beautiful. True art.
Your style is amazing. Everything was so different yet fit perfect together.
Great choice of music too.
Yeah, damn.. gotta watch it again.
God, now that was just.. too stylish
Awesome man, it was just beautiful. True art.
Your style is amazing. Everything was so different yet fit perfect together.
Great choice of music too.
Yeah, damn.. gotta watch it again.
What an honor! A review from the one and only Squeezy, hehe. Well thanks alot. I love your stuff too. Been kinda missing your work since the time trials are on a break now :'( Auf wiedersehen!
Awesomesness, finally a gewd clock muhvie again.
So morbid yet so amazingly funneh.
and i saw my dead body lying there at the end ^___^<3
How can i leave you out <3
Too damn sexy.
Really awesome.
Ive been following teh series and i must say its getting better and better. Gotta love teh particle effects and everything. So smecksay animations. I dont like picking favourites and i think it would be unfair anyway so Awesome job, all of you. ^___^<3
I really like this series.
The idea is original and really fun to watch.
Only the graphics and animations are kinda laking quality.. but thats fine. Atleast its gory and action-packed. hehe..
If you are searching for anybody to help ya with the series, i doubt you do, but anyway.. im always up or stuff like that. So yeah..
Keep it up!
I'm always down for a little help, feel free to e-mail me and we can discuss it.
Looks almost like a real anime. Just the animations are kinda sloppy sometimes.
but it was really Awesome. I enjoyed watching it and it had a good story and voice acting
Cant wait for the next episode
Keep the good work up!
yeah, its at 14 frames per second, I'll make it faster and more accurate nextime. enjoy ep2 in 2005 :)
Nice, Nice.
I love it. The graphics were amazing and the face expressions too. Well, some of the blood effects looked kinda cheap but who cares. The music and voices fits totally in the spot. Good job.
I wanted the blood to look plain and overdone, Kill Bill-y ^_^
It was great. I also wanna be in one of them.
You know you want me.. dont you?
Sounds cool wouldnt mind u contributing a scene for #7, u got good flash skills, but ya should talk to poopmoose about stuff -u know
anyways for #7 the plan is to make it better. maybe a daily feature! later
it was alright
well, poopmosses (sp?) sucked but i enjoyed it anyways.
i also wanna be in one of those jams..
looks like fun ^__^
"Sqeezy The Rubber" never came to be ;_;
Age 25, Male
Joined on 12/1/02