God, now that was just.. too stylish
Awesome man, it was just beautiful. True art.
Your style is amazing. Everything was so different yet fit perfect together.
Great choice of music too.
Yeah, damn.. gotta watch it again.
God, now that was just.. too stylish
Awesome man, it was just beautiful. True art.
Your style is amazing. Everything was so different yet fit perfect together.
Great choice of music too.
Yeah, damn.. gotta watch it again.
What an honor! A review from the one and only Squeezy, hehe. Well thanks alot. I love your stuff too. Been kinda missing your work since the time trials are on a break now :'( Auf wiedersehen!
Weeeee, another sexy muhvie from ya.
Damn, i already knew it was a movie from you when i saw the title and yeah, i love it so much. The animations are awesome and smooth and the perspective and anatomy is great too.
I love the songs you pick. What kind of music is it? They all sound so harmonic and stuff yet they are from different artists.
Yeah, canĀ“t wait to see more, keep up the great work.
Awesomesness, finally a gewd clock muhvie again.
So morbid yet so amazingly funneh.
and i saw my dead body lying there at the end ^___^<3
How can i leave you out <3
Too damn sexy.
Really awesome.
Ive been following teh series and i must say its getting better and better. Gotta love teh particle effects and everything. So smecksay animations. I dont like picking favourites and i think it would be unfair anyway so Awesome job, all of you. ^___^<3
I came!
Theres nothing to say about this masterpiece, its just.. too awesome for this site to handle. I hope this is a real comeback from you guys, NG and the CC needs you.
Im honored to review your movie, oh true kings of the portal.
haha, awesome.
Great job. The atmosphere of this one is amazing.
Bah, it was just too good..
The colors, the animations, the effects, camera angles and especially the music made it perfect. It was synced so well and the comical style was a nice touch to what you see on NG lately.
A little too short for the score in my oppinion but wtf, who cares. I fifened it anyway.
hahaha, best one yet.
haha, i loved this episode.
The butterfly effect spoof was awesome and overall it was very funny. A little buggy though. You guys should fix that. But whatever..
Good job! Im definately looking out for the next one.
I really like this series.
The idea is original and really fun to watch.
Only the graphics and animations are kinda laking quality.. but thats fine. Atleast its gory and action-packed. hehe..
If you are searching for anybody to help ya with the series, i doubt you do, but anyway.. im always up or stuff like that. So yeah..
Keep it up!
I'm always down for a little help, feel free to e-mail me and we can discuss it.
This was sooo freaking funny XD
I dont laugh about Flash movies really often but this is totally my kind of humour.
HAHAHHAHA, i love it. Im going to watch it again.
I love this series.
"Sqeezy The Rubber" never came to be ;_;
Age 25, Male
Joined on 12/1/02