"Sqeezy The Rubber" never came to be ;_;

Tim Frommeyer @Sqeezy

Age 24, Male

Joined on 12/1/02

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It's my birthday and I cry if I want to

Posted by Sqeezy - July 20th, 2009

Wow, I have things to say. What an event.
Here's something for inbetween because I'll rant till you no longer know what made you continue to read all the way through.

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Facing the 20 has hit me suddenly and leaves me with mixed feelings..
My life has been fast-paced and full of variety in many subjects so far,
I have experienced and became aware of so many things that I can't help but to imagine my life in a straight line with me currently exactly in the middle.
On one side I believe in exponential growth of everything and that we, the humanz, get a bit better in whatever we do, every day.
But the dimension of time has the same exponential up rising so that we're now to say that not only technology but also the speed and tempo we "experience" our life with is about to double every year. Imagine that in a year we can expand and evolve the same amount than what took a thousand years around 8000 years back then.
Evolutionary every new generation breeding into a completely new species, of course building up on our DNA, but way more efficient, intelligent, long-living, etc..
Every Vision of the Future is possibly becoming reality in a matter of years.

But back to me being in my midlife crisis.
It's been awhile since I ranted on the Internet so here I go.
If my other theory is wrong then in the worst case I am now at the peak of a pyramid symbolizing life. meaning, it took hell long and much energy to get on top and I can now enjoy the view, soon to be pushed down by the wind or whatever though, sliding down, growing speed faster and faster till I'm at the end of the slide.

I fear that both ideas have a bit of truth to them, and I must say, I'd like the "exponential growth" theory to become reality better.
It would mean one hell of a ride for the 2nd 20 years, seeing everything on earth change, grow, shrink and eventually collapse finally.

We can be thankful to be here right now,
being able to wonder of life's wonders and willing to find an answer or solution to our problems.

Are we even truly aware of our life?

Most people die before they are born, the reason for that is that they wonder all their life about what happens after their life and where they will go, so that they can never appreciate this life and this planet.

How much more do you want?
You've got one life, and it's happening on this planet, in this solar system, in this universe.

It's all so silly.

We should really knock out Religion. They infect upcoming generations, and they blind their vision of what this planet is that they live on, and what they should do in their life.

Seriously, have you read the bible?
Who would want a God as described in the "holy" book to judge over them after their life, or to watch over them while they are alive?
God is like the most evil person from today's point of what's good and what's evil.

Let good people do good things.
Let bad people do bad things.

but no longer try to make good people do bad things.
Because that is what you do Mr.Religion

Alright. I'm 20. My Life is running on highspeed
and I'm filled with visions, ideas and ideals.
but what should I do?

What's life all about after all?

To me we've got nothing but this one, and the most precious tool we can ever own is our own body, so we need to make use of it.

But what is the best thing to do? What's the right thing to do.
Who's in charge to tell me what to do and to judge over my free will.
There is no free will, is there?

What's the right decision and what's the decision that is left?

I really don't know. There are guidelines to follow but there is no answer. I suppose you just gotta make up your own answer and live by that.

Maybe I'll find mine just today. Why not, things seem to connect perfectly. Such perfectly hidden links so that you would never expect them to be real. But they make sense.
Wouldn't you like everything to make sense? Of course that's not what it's all about in life but why not?
Why can't there be deeper meaning to this life, something we can't understand still make sense?
Probably we are here for a reason.. but nobody knows it yet.
and nobody should claim that they do know, and get away with it.

Let there be some mystery to life. You shouldn't even bother. You should be busy living your own life. Get a feeling of what it means to live and start considering things you haven't before.

There is no winner in the battle between Science and Religion.
Only with Faith you can find the strength to proof a theory.
It's faith that makes you do all the things you're convinced of.
And if you have a high goal and want it to achieve it, then it takes faith to get there.
Not Religion, Not Science.

Believe in something, but if obvious facts disprove what you believe to be true then give in to those for fucks sake. understand them, and ACCEPT IT.
Just believe in something else. There's so much left unanswered still... yet it's up to our generation to create a unified religion for all, build upon modern understanding of life, using facts that can be easily understood by children and that leaves grownups satisfied.
Something that every human can accept as "rules, guidelines and reasons" for life.
Let him no longer walk in the dark. Brighten up the forest,
but do not point him where to go, let him see every tree and path and then decide for himself where to head.
Religion shouldn't scare one, it should enlighten our minds and fill us up with meaning and purpose. It should teach us who we are and what each of us is worth so that we no longer try to fight one another.
It should leave space for free thinking people to investigate in case of doubts, actually encouraging them to doubt what they are told so that they will learn to think more individually, making all humans a group again, but only one group, as it should be.
I have high demands you may think but they are reasonable and they can be achieved. If we could only get everyone to open up to themselves and one-another we could bring peace and harmony to our planet in a matter of generations.

Stop infecting the children and the youth with outdated morals that you've been taught. Answer their questions truthfully but behold to let them be children. Let them experience life and find their own meaning to it.

That would be one fucking grand birthday present.

Alright, my head is hurting as much as yours now. Let's leave it like that for now and enjoy the day.
Have a good one and cheers for reading.

It's my birthday and I cry if I want to







your ctrl and z keys must be worn out

happy birthday then. lol.

I'm against religion but I do believe in a God, despite this fact I always find myself more able to appreciate atheists then anyone I know who shares my beliefs. The God I believe in just wants us to support each other and try to make the world a better place, not judge, or condemn. It's pretty arrogant for anyone to believe they have the power to "save" someone by making them believe something differant. Anyways I digress. Thanks for the read, and happy birthday. ^_^


most thoughtful happy bday post ever. happy birthday!

i agree, religion is pretty infectious and my family still goes to church since forever ago. but i realized, maybe i don't have to listen to what they're saying but take the time to reflect on my life and just believe or have faith in things that just make me feel good.

i mean, take a soldier for instance. before running into battle, he prays to whatever god he prays to. if it makes him feel good and have confidence in his ability, go for it. it's like pretending to have a lucky charmed bracelet or necklace on. whatever it is, if it gives you relief and lowers stress, why not? i agree, organized religion, the leaders specifically, preach and expect the preached to preach as well. i say do whatever you want as long as you're socially inclined to be a good citizen. we're a species like any other and it's ridiculous to argue about what makes us feel good about inevitably dying.

my moral is that people can do what they want as long as others aren't brought into it. if you keep your issues and faith to yourself you can still be a good person. you don't have to flaunt about god then contradict yourself later and not flaunt about giving to charity for the sake of god


I feel bad, I'm 18 and I don't feel like I've done much with my life, dispite having lofty goals in mind.


Happy Birthday.

Think about it this way, you are of the perfect age for a change of scenery. You could start another brilliant adventure any time you desire, that's to say if you are not satisfied with the one you have currently.
New job in a different spot, anything.

Midlife Crisis is cutting it a bit too short.

the duality of noble discipline and evil aggressiveness is tied together in all of us to form the blend of a person. likewise, you have argued that existence could be viewed as an upward progression of humanity, or the profundity of the hopeless sliding down a pyramid. both these elements have their truths, so its more like an even path. or even more accurately, a level start and a level end, with all sorts of hills and valleys in between. without an up or down we couldn't understand the importance of middle.

i dunno what i typed cuz technically i'm sleep deprived and severely jet-lagged.
and i feel old if you're voicing these things at 20

Very interesting read, thanks for that and i hope you have a good birthday!

Me and Jesus over here are havin a beer and wishin you a happy birthday.

Satan would also say happy birthday but hes upstairs gettin his socks blown off by dat big booty bitch. (yea you know who im talkin bout)


Well done young Tim. You have realized life and it's true meaning. Now go forth, and take over the world. Happy fucking Christmas >:D

Nice one. I read your NG post, I'd have to disagree with it, I believe God is the one who must equalize our lives, and purify us for an altogether better feeling forever. I believe one day we will all be resurected for the final judgement, and God will decide if we go to Hell or Heaven. I do see your point though. Who is God to decide? Why not me? Or you? Or anyone? But that's beside the point. Good drawrings, and I like the german%uFEFF song. Reminds me of RadioHead.
My true comment, posted on Youtube originoally. IGnore my last comment :P

Just live and let live, Tim.
It's one of the few mottos I've found it's likely to work in this life...
And have a merry, joyful birthday. Fight your way to enjoy it, if needed.

I don't know how sped up that movie was, but it looks like it took you an hour to draw a something that should've taken you 15 minutes. So whatever the speed was, just convert the final actual time with my estimated ratio of 12:5. You should try and build some confidence in your stroke making, so you don't have to hit ctrl-z 50 times per minute.

As for life, the older you get the faster you perceive to pass. The more used to the world around you you get, the less notice you take of it, which means while you'll still experience time passing, you won't remember as much of it because you aren't perceiving it. Bam.

thats what she said, WOOOOOOOOOOAAHh
good read btw
happy bday

I like your notes on the universe and religion, pretty interesting

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